Robert Fisher MTI
Licensed Instructor
Master Practitioner
• Since 1994 •
Masters Wellness Massage
• relaxing ortho blendElite Sports Massage
• athletic performanceOrthopedic Muscle Therapy
• muscle pain relief
Bentonville, AR

Feel Better. Perform Better. Relax Better.
Click Book Now to Schedule ^^
*Experience and Education matters:With over 30 years of experience, Robert provides advanced techniques to relieve muscle tension and discomfort, improve physical performance, and facilitate overall wellness.He will assess posture in relation to gravity, limited motion and function, and patterns of cause and effect.Myoskeletal • Neural Reset • Myofascial
Neuromuscular • Cranial • Orthopedic
Trigger Point • Medical • Clinical
Licensed: AR.1301090, MO.2019029255
(MTI upgrade from Master to Instructor)Insured: AMTA

Customized Sessions
All pressure stays within your level of comfort.
• MUSCLE Relief
Neck • Back • Hip • Shoulder
• ATHLETIC Performance
Sports • Dance • Yoga • Cheer
For Diagnosed Conditions:
Frozen Shoulder • Rotator
Scoliosis • Sciatica • TMJ
Tech Neck • Headaches
• and more
Prevention • TuneUp
Safe • Confidential • Professional
By Appointment Only
No Walk-Ins
Bentonville office
Wed • Thu • Fri 12-6
Sat 10-4$90/session1116 S Walton Blvd, Ste 117
Bentonville, AR 72712
Cash • Check • PP • CC • DC
Google Samsung Apple Pay

Whatever your budget allows, regular sessions are key to reversing patterns, preventing discomfort, improving performance, and maintaining a vibrant healthy lifestyle.
Muscle Therapy and Sports Massage sessions are clothed. Please wear comfortable shorts: runner, relaxed, yoga, or body shorts (women: simple relaxed-fit bra or bralette).
Masters Wellness Massage sessions will be unclothed with draping.
MassageBook will email you a link to fill out the online intake forms. Or you can download and fill out intake forms here.
Session includes consultation, assessment, and hands on work.
Please try not to wear perfume or cologne, or smoke before our sessions.
Thank you, Robert Fisher MTI

"I have enjoyed helping people from all around the world for many years. Every person is unique, and I do my best to customize our sessions together." Robert
“I can’t imagine not having you as a part of my health routine.” CA Dental Hygienist“If you ever decide to move, I’ll have a job for you.” NC Physical Therapist“My upper back and neck pain is much better. And thanks for the easy daily movement exercises to counter my work posture.” TX Surgeon“Finally, someone who does specific bodywork to address my equestrian falls, or as I call them, not so graceful dismounts.” CA actor producer director“Sometimes I want to relax, and sometimes I want specific work. Thank you for customizing each session.” NM mom and weekend warrior“Can you move to my country?” A Queen of a country I cannot share:)“I thought the car accident ruined my dance career! You have been a miracle worker, thank you.” TX dancer“Robert, I’ve had massages all around the world. Everyone is different, but you’re exactly what I need.” CA well known celebrity“OMG, thank you thank you thank you! I haven’t been able to dance in years because of hip and low back pain. I’m free again.” AZ retired dancer“Bob Hope could afford daily massages. I’ll have to settle for weekly.” CA busy single mom“Thanks for helping our teen daughters through vigorous dancing and training.” TX momsEven though I appreciate your detailed muscle therapy after I fall off my snowboard or nosedive over the mountain bike, sometimes I really love your whole body sessions for a mix of relaxation and overall tune-up.” CA very active mom, sales rep, hippy chick, and yoga warrior“Thanks so much, I’ve had limited range in certain yoga poses, now I feel more balanced.” CA yoga instructor“Dude, I threw a no hitter today after you worked on my shoulder.” AZ spring training baseball pitcher“Robert, you have been a crucial part of my weekly training for 2 years that helped me get close to a world record.” AZ-CA distance runner“Thank you for helping my daughter with her neck pain. The doctor said it’s a reversed curve.” Many moms of teenagers looking down at the phone“Wow, your work on the front of my neck has allowed me to gain an octave above and below my usual range!” CA former violinist turned opera singer“I so appreciate your expertise. I play the piano and sing all around the world, plus the stress of traveling. Your regular massages while I’m home make all the difference.” CA well known musician“I do wish you lived in NY, but I always look forward to our sessions in NM and CA when I visit to film a project.” Super awesome sweet human becoming well known for her acting and volunteer work“Well you’ve regularly worked on the nearly the entire cast of our tv show, and none of us live here, lol. If you travel to the UK, let me know! See you on my next project.” Another great actress with a humble nature I much appreciate“Thanks for working on our cast and crew in NM. And I really appreciated your visits to CA and driving in LA traffic to come see us.” One of the friendliest actors in the industry. Of course, his dogs expect their hip massages first.
“Thanks for helping me change my computer setup and posture. Your massages have helped my back and neck immensely and my headaches are far and few in comparison.” Common reply“Oh wow, I haven’t had relief from my jaw clicking in years!” CA tmj sufferer“What? After many months of seeing other practitioners with limited success, you open my shoulder from 30 to 80 percent in 1 session? That’s magic!” CA psychologist“Thank you for explaining how the body guards after an injury. I’m able to relax and let go of my anger now. It’s wonderful to finally be pain free!” CA 60yy wonderful lady who survived a severe auto accident“Because of your massage and manual therapy, I have decided to go to massage school.” CA NM newbies I’ve mentored“Once you get settled in NWA, I sure hope you start offering CE workshops.” AR massage therapist“Where can I get that bodywork when I go home?” destination resort visitors“I slept like a baby without waking for 10 hours!” CA corporate type A“I cannot express how grateful I am for you holding a comfortable space for me to be me.” A “different” someone“Wow, I feel taller.” Common reply“Every week, you help us with all of our aches and pains.” MO organic farmers and traveling certification inspectors“Thank you for helping me with my breast implant adhesions. You’ve saved me a ton of money. I thought I was going to lose them. My friend said you also helped her pre-surgery and she had minimal discomfort after augmentation. We both are extremely happy for the upper back and neck relief you’ve given us by addressing the front of our bodies.” One mom, one dancer. (work done with written permission)“It’s about time I found someone who helped me with my pelvic discomfort. You are very communicative and work with permission when addressing the necessary bits near my private bits. I appreciate the detailed, yet cautious bodywork.” New Zealand former dancer, now CA film director of photography with muscle attachment and muscle-tendon adhesions from the butt bone to the pubic bone.“After years of seeing many doctors and therapists all over LA, you figured out the illusive missing puzzle piece for my winged scapula pain.” CA actress “Thank you for figuring out my wife’s shoulder.” Super well known celebrity and awesome humanitarian “Ok bud, what did you do to help her shoulder?” Their Malibu doctor (Answer: I worked up the chain of cause and effect. Neck muscle affecting a nerve that inhibited a shoulder muscle that allowed an overly tight opposing muscle to become painful)
"Wether you seek pain relief, athletic performance, or an overall tuneup, Robert continues to learn and develop new approaches to customize your muscle therapy sessions."
*Orthopedic muscle therapy uses assessment and various advanced techniques to address neuromyofascial imbalances leading to discomfort or weakness in the musculoskeletal system. If pain persists and the symptoms don’t resolve, Robert will refer out to an orthopedic, chiropractic, or osteopathic doctor.
Myoskeletal Alignment Technique identifies and corrects dysfunctional patterns to relieve muscle tension and discomfort by incorporating advanced muscle balancing techniques with joint range of motion.Neural Reset Therapy is a fast and effective approach to reset muscle tension. NRT uses the neurological principles of Reciprocal Inhibition and Symmetry.Myofascial bodywork releases constricted connective tissue (fascia) that is within and around muscles, bones, and organs that leads to pain-causing postural patterns. It allows the structure to realign itself with gravity, thereby increasing bio-mechanical function.Neuromuscular Therapy focuses on myofascial trigger points and hypertonic muscle fibers to help balance communication between the nerves and muscles to bring the problem area out of protection, so the muscles can relax.Athletic / Sports uses the same techniques, but focused on your specific activity for increased performance, mobility, strength, injury prevention and rehabilitation.Robert has helped pitchers throw no-hitters, dancers dance again, singers gain octaves, golfers keep him from their buddies:), runners push towards world records, and many more.Clinical / Medical uses the same techniques, but is focused on diagnosed conditions, such as frozen shoulder, pre and post surgeries, scoliosis, tech neck (reverse curve), headaches, and more.(Addressing encapsulation or myofascial restrictions from augmentation can be done with written permission. This helps with posture, neck, and back pain.)Trigger Point therapy releases those stubborn spots in muscles that tend to have referral pain patterns to other parts of the body.Craniosacral helps to regulate the cranial rhythm and release undue pressure that affects the cerebrospinal fluid flow that nourishes the brain and spinal cord. This non-invasive approach can be deeply relaxing.
Schedule Online
Myoskeletal Alignment Technique
by Erik Dalton • 50hrsNeural Reset Therapy
by Lawrence Woods • 52hrs
• Upper Body Neural Reset
• Lower Body Neural Reset
• Advanced Neural ResetEsalen Institute in Big Sur, CA
• Rolf Structural Integration • 26hrs
by Edward Maupin & Jeff Linn
• Esalen Massage • 26hrs
by Robin Fann & Sylvia Guersenzvaig
• Advanced Esalen Massage • 26hrs
by Vicki Topp & Jessica FaganNeuromuscular Therapy
by Paul St. John • 117 hrs
• NMT1: Neck, Posture, Pelvis
• NMT2: Back
• NMT3: Extremities
• NMT5: Scoliosis, CranialCranioSacral Therapy
by John Upledger • 32 hrs
• CST1: 10 Step Program
• CST2: TMJ, UnwindingPhoenix Therapeutic Massage
College • 1994 • 720 hrs
• Swedish • Deep Tissue • SportsIAA - Autonomic Nervous System
Unification for Stress • 150 hrsNationally Certified • 1994
• NCTMB by NCBTMBTen Thousand Waves
Continuing Education Provider
• Wraps, Scrubs, Yasuragi • 15hrs
• Ashi Anma Foot Massage • 14hrs
• Lomi Lomi Massage • 32 hrs
• Advanced Shiatsu • 59 hrsEthics 20hrs
Current CPR 1stAidReid Maddox Deep Tissue
• Neck Back Extremities • 18hrsCE Massage • 5hrs
• HeadachesCE Massage • 14hrs
Hands, Wrists, ForearmsAdvanced Massage Training
Marni Matyus Myofascial • 8hrsJames Waslaski Orthopedic DVDs and bookTil Luchau Advanced-Trainings Myofascial DVDs and booksPaul St John Neurosomatic DVDsEric Stephenson iMassage DVDsPerry & Johanna Holloman DeepBodywork DVDsPlus many more books and materials collected over the years
Payment Options
Cash • Check • Credit or Debit Card
in-hand for tap, swipe, or chip.
PayPal below is an online option.
What To Wear
For muscle therapy, wear comfortable runner, relaxed, yoga, or body shorts.
And for women, a bralette or relaxed-fit bra with moveable straps, bikini top, or similar top easy to work around.
(Preferably: no tight thick sports bras, as they restrict rib movement, and are difficult to work around the neck and mid back straps and thick lower bands.)
Whatever you are comfortable in without covering. Some of the elderly ladies wear long sleeve thin cotton shirts. Access to skin usually helps, but is not always necessary. Your comfort is priority.For massage therapy, you will undress and be covered with a top sheet as Robert steps out of the room.Table warmer is available, as well a blanket for massage.